
Active Workwear News Blog

Apache Safety Trainers - The Review

Posted by Cathy Houghton at

So, you work in an environment where you need some protection for your feet. You don’t really need safety boots, but you also don’t want to leave your toes unprotected, and you need shoes that will grip really well.   The Apache safety trainer could be the answer for you. Who would need safety trainers as opposed to work boots? Anyone who needs to be able to zip around the site/ building all day. Like a supervisor, or engineer, for example.   When you need to be highly mobile, you want a lightweight and comfortable shoe that does offer some protection. Apache work trainers could fit...

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Apache Work Trousers - The Review

Posted by Cathy Houghton at

When it comes trousers to wear on site,  you need a set that will work as hard as you do. You need a thicker weight fabric and reinforced seams that won’t tear easily when you brush past a jagged edge. That’s where the comes Apache Work Trouser in.   Apache UK has built a solid reputation for providing practical workwear for those in physically demanding jobs. The Apache work trousers carry on this fine tradition by offering a blend of durability and practicality.   You’re not going to look like 007, but you could carry all the gadgets that he does easily enough. Also, when you need to be out and...

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Blaklader Kneepads - The Review

Posted by Cathy Houghton at

If you need to spend most of your day kneeling, you will understand the importance of using a great kneepad. In this case, adequate protection is just not going to cut it at all. You want a pad that provides plenty of cushioning, but that is also able to mould to the shape of your knee.   That’s where Blaklader Kneepads are ideal. Their clever design makes it easy to flex or bend your knee and provides ample protection when you are in the kneeling position. They will fit any of the company’s trouser with kneepad pockets designs. So, let’s find out what makes Blaklader special.   Design  They are constructed...

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Snickers Workwear 2018 Magazine Winter

Posted by Cathy Houghton at

Stretch, waterproof and women's special are headlines of this seasons magazine. Check out our news for Autumn/Winter -18 and get ready for changable weather. Pick up the magazine at your local dealer or view it online here.

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Blaklader Hi-Vis Workwear - The Review

Posted by Cathy Houghton at

On a busy job site, high visibility becomes extremely important. When the dust is flying, or you are working on the side of a road, you need to make sure that everyone knows that you are there. It’s also an important safety consideration that ensures that the foreman can keep track of workers.   Highly reflective safety gear is essential anywhere that high visibility becomes important. The Blaklader Hi-Vis range has been crafted with this in mind. The range includes jackets and trousers that feature bright colours and wide reflective strips.   You’ll end up sticking out like a sore thumb, but that’s the whole point, isn’t it?   Hi-Vis...

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