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Mobile Apps and E-Commerce

Mobile Apps and E-Commerce

  • by Jack Durant

Hi to anyone who is reading this. I'm Jack, the person trying to improve our business online.

So, I started by writing down about 4 bullet points to start me off on my research.

  • Operation Systems
  • Mobile Apps
  • Social Plug Ins
  • E-Commerce

I found each of these could probably have at least 3 to 10 sub-categories. This could take a while !

Operating Systems
According to sources online* (1) Operating System sales are moving swiftly towards androids with almost 50% of the market.  However, if you look at web browser market, windows are at almost 60% with androids only 2.5%* (2). 

With the sales of androids being so high you would have thought people would be browsing and shopping online with the phones or tablets.  Well, it seems it is not the case.

However, it is said that more than 50% of searches start on a mobile with a completion of sales being done through windows.

Mobile Apps
A typical person spends about 4 hours+ a day using androids and tablets and only 1 hour a day on a personal computer. 

With androids being 'on the go' lots of people will interact, browse and play games while travelling, during breaks and even while sat at home.

Googles recent ranking criteria for websites to be responsive, it is essential that businesses
update their website and consider a mobile application. This is something we will be doing in the near future.

Social Plug Ins
People use Facebook and Twitter to interact and share shopping experiences. Therefore, we have implemented Limespot - This helps us to provide you with information regarding your personal shopping preferences by using analytics and demographics.

Over 180,000 people use Facebook and Twitter Connect. This allows people to share 'shopping trends' at a click of a button.

How do I try and improve our webstore:-

  1. Have a Responsive Design
    We have done this by using shopify as our back end operating system. You can now shop on any platform being it android, tablet, labtop or desktop.

  2. User Behaviour Metric
    With the aid of Google Analytics and Limespot we hope to be able to see what our visitors look at and complete to buy.

  3. Provide Special Offers, Gifts and Discounts
    Depending on the Season and Stock levels we will be offering discounts and special prices on our products. We already offer a 5% discount if you follow us on facebook, twitter, google+ or pinterest.

  4. Send a regular Active Workwear Newsletter informing customers of any updates to products, prices or new special offers

In Conclusion

All the above research and implements are all well and good - but - we still don't know what you think!

What I want is 'How can we improve your shopping experience'

This is why i have this blog, have reviews and are testing a 'Need Help' live chat application.

I (we) want as much feedback as possible - positive or negative.

Well that's my blog for today. Let me know what you think.

Signing off


* Ref:
(1) Operating Systems
(2) Market Share





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